reading this in the commons right now :) i really appreciate your work, keep it up!

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Thank you!! very meta :)

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I’ve just found your writing and musings and you are one of my favourite minds- sharing words- to read✨ thank you

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Thank you for your support and resonance 🙏

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I never really agreed with how some people (increasingly) use 3rd place to refer to cafes and public spaces. They lack what the 1st and 2nd spaces have… a meaning and purpose. I think they need to look more like communities and I think they replace what used to be churches/other religious sites in a more secular world.

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What isn't a fourth place: one that holds events plus Q&A, but the audience questions are curated and read by the organizer.

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I love this so much. Thank you for articulating so well something I've been musing on lately - how individuation enables greater connection, and the conditions that support this. It's paradoxical at first and aloneness takes some investigation but it makes sense in the end. Your definition, and the nine characteristics, matches my experience of Holotropic Breathwork training.

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Do you know of any 4th places in LA?

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